Make mine a double!
From 4pm Saturday 3rd until 9pm Sunday 4th December, Purple Radio DJs and Together artists will be playing non-stop to help raise funds for Awamu’s new life-saving project.
Every penny raised will go to towards opening a safe house for girls escaping violence. Much more than a roof over girls’ heads, it’s where their specialist staff will provide residents with the building blocks they need to begin a new life, free from fear.
Help us support every girl who needs us
Every donation made to Awamu’s Big Give appeal during the weekend will be DOUBLED at no extra cost to you.
This will be Purple Radio’s last broadcast for for 2022, so lets make it a good ‘un!
See who is playing over the weekend here
Give a shout out to who’s playing, find tracklistings and more.
Learn more about Awamu’s new project and how your donation could save lives.
2023 Early Bird tickets
Feeling loved up? Carry that feeling forward & get your tickets for next year’s real life festival.
All donation made to our Big Give Appeal will be entered into our prize draw to win tickets for Together 2023.
There is tickets to Together 2023 up for grabs. Make sure you opt-in to hear from Awamu make you make your donation via their Big Give appeal - otherwise your gift is annonmous and we won’t get your details to enter into the prize draw.
Virtual Festival Forum
This is where we will bring all the weekend’s activities together and connect over the weekend - a place to chat, comment and give shout-outs to the wonderful artists. Login and say hello! You can also open the forum in its own window if you prefer (better for mobiles).
New here? Check out the tips and how-to’s here.