1. Do you think we should do more Together parties in the future?
Don't Mind
2. How does being part of Together make you feel?
Select all that apply.
It makes me feel good to spend time with great people and dance
I feel l I can make a meaningful difference to the lives of women and girls in Uganda
I'm proud to help others whilst volunteering and partying
I'm proud to be part of a community that stands up against injustice for women and girls
I feel I'm in a safe and inclusive environment
Other (please share below)
If Other, please provide detail:
3. What first inspired you to attend Together?
Select your top reasons
The music/line-up
The cause (supporting Awamu)
Children’s entertainment/safe space for kids
The location
Through my friendship group
A friend recommended it
I was booked to perform
4. Why do you keep coming (if you do)?
Select your top reasons
The music
The people
The intimate size of the event
My children like it/it’s safe for families
The charity/cause
Other (please share below)
If Other, please provide detail:
5. What changes or additions would encourage you to return?
Select your top preferences
Better line-up (please expand below)
More activities for teenagers
More workshops/discussions/creative opportunities
Better facilities (please specify below)
Improved location
More affordable/different pricing options
More diverse food choices
Amplified music going on later
Opportunities to collaborate with other musicians or artists
Chance to hear directly from the women supported by the charity
Shorter events (e.g. one or two night only)
Don’t change anything, I love you just the way you are
Other (please share)
Please provide detail on your answers if needed:
We aim to hold the party on the first weekend of August. Does this timing work for you? If not, what other times of the year would work better?
With getting up for work on a Monday morning in mind, would you prefer if the event started on Thursday evening and finished on Sunday morning?
Yes, I’d prefer this schedule
No, I prefer the current schedule
I’m open to either option
Would you prefer if Together became a biannual event (i.e., held every two years)?
No, I prefer it to remain an annual event
Yes, I think a biannual event would be better for me
I’m open to either option
Would you be interested in a subscription/membership model or monthly payment plan that offers exclusive benefits like early bird tickets, discounts or special access?
Yes, I’m interested
No, I prefer the current payment model
Maybe, I’d like more information
Together is built on the spirit of everyone pitching in! Do you have something you’d like to contribute to the weekend/festival? Whether it’s a skill, a performance, an idea, or anything else, we’d love to hear how you’d like to get involved
This is survey is anonymous so please leave your contact details below if you wish to be in contact