Thank you

As you know, Together is not just a beautiful excuse to get our friends together in a field, it’s a party with far reaching impact.

It is with a great deal of excitement and gratitude that we can now tell you that you’ve helped to raise over £20,000 for Awamu’s work in Uganda.

This vital fund will be put straight to work helping to ensure women like Nabuule (who you can meet i this film) can continue the crucial, life-saving work they do in their community.

Nabuule and volunteers like her, are the driving force behind transforming the lives of children like Fahad and Shifra in the slums of Bwaise and Kikoni.

By being part of Together, you make it possible for children like Shifra and Fahad to get an education, to be healthy and be part of a family that loves them.

Our hearts are full of joy and admiration for the support given by all of you.

A massive thank you to everyone who helped us make Together such an amazing event.

With special thanks to our friends at Indie Brands, Henricks, Patron, Jack Daniels Aspalls, Matusalem, CarielVodka , The Canton Tea Company amongst others who generously donated so much stock and made it possible for us to sell delicious drinks at proper prices whist helping us to raise these urgently needed funds.

You guys took it seriously when we asked you to visit the café and bars as frequently as possible!

Thank you.

Read more about our chairty Awamu and how the funds will be used here.


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