Volunteer at Together 2020

Together is just not possible without a team of amazing volunteers. We need YOU! 👉

Fancy joining our all-volunteer crew to help make it another unforgettable party at Together 2020 (31st July-2nd August)?

We need support with box office, welcoming, bar and café work.

There are also opportunities to help us set up in advance of the event if you can spare a weekend in the run-up which means you could have the whole of your Together weekend free!

In exchange for your shifts and hard work you'll get free entry to our mega party.

On top of that, you'll get to work alongside a group of the loveliest folk known to humanity.

Already got a ticket but fancy rolling up your sleeves?

We can find you much smaller (but equally as vital) jobs to do.

Get in touch with Steve or Emma ASAP if you fancy getting involved.

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